Stray dog menace on the rise in Kozhikode city

Morning walkers, especially elderly persons, worst-hit

Morning walkers in Kozhikode city are having a harrowing time thanks to the spiralling number of street dogs. Despite the implementation of projects to stop stray dog menace, there has been no considerable improvement in the situation.

On Butt Road beach, morning walkers are often chased by dogs. Elderly persons and children are the worst-hit. “Unexpected mouthing and nipping by dogs startle us. It is even more dangerous if we try to resist or escape. The safest way is to just wait until they leave you,” said a martial arts trainer who goes to the beach for practice. Many a time, furious canine scuffles create scary moments for people, he added.

Instances of dogs chasing two-wheelers and cyclists are also on the rise. Those using narrow village roads are mostly the victims of such attacks. Service roads leading to the Sarovaram Biopark have emerged as the riskiest spot in the city.

Since multiple shots of rabies vaccination are required for even a small scratch on the body, many are scared even at the sight of stray dogs. Moreover, shortage of quality vaccines is a matter of concern.

“Besides rabies, many street dogs are suffering from contagious diseases like mange, distemper, and parvo infection. In the absence of treatment, it spreads among wandering dogs. At least, there should be a proper rehabilitation project,” said a dog handler from Vellayil. He pointed out that people who fed street dogs out of mercy were least concerned of their illnesses and treatment.

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