Second tiger translocated to Rajaji reserve from Corbett

This is the second such translocation of big cat in the state—last month, a tigress had been similarly moved.

A six-year old tiger was translocated from the buffer zone of Jim Corbett Tiger Reserve to Rajaji Tiger Reserve in Uttarakhand Saturday. It was released in the wild the same day.

This is the second such translocation of big cat in the state—last month, a tigress had been similarly moved. Five big cats from Jim Corbett are to be moved to Rajaji, a move aimed at tiger population management.

J S Suhag, chief wildlife warden, said the male tiger was tranquilised and radio-collared Friday and relocated Saturday.

“The tigress relocated last month is living normally. We will monitor both for next couple of months. When they breed and we are sure they have adapted, only then next translocation will be done,” said DK Singh, Director, Rajaji Tiger Reserve.

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