Rehabilitation programme

Around a dozen police personnel serving in Tiruvarur district who had turned alcoholics underwent a month-long rehabilitation programme arranged by the district police.

Since the increased level of dependency on alcohol had created problems for them in both their working environment and as well as in the family, they underwent a month-long rehabilitation programme at a de-addiction centre with the consent of their respective families by the end of December last year, officials sources said.

All of them have re-joined service during the first week of this month much to the relief of their families and senior police officers.

Meanwhile, a fortnight-long “Operation Simile 2021” a drive to locate and save missing/orphaned children in Tiruvarur district was launched on February 1.

Special teams comprising police, social workers, revenue and other government department officials would be carrying out search operations in the areas allotted to them. Public coming across orphaned or destitute children could pass on information to Kalaivani, Inspector of Police, Anti-Child Trafficking unit, Tiruvarur (mobile: 094981 10608), says a press release.

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