Night curfew will create panic: Cong.

Party says ramping up vaccination is the only solution to curb virus spread

Reacting to the night curfew imposed by the Delhi government on Tuesday, the Delhi Congress said it would only create panic among people, and the government needs to take urgent steps to increase the number of vaccinations across Delhi as night curfew will not check the surging COVID-19 cases.

Delhi Congress chief Ch. Anil Kumar said: “The government should ramp up COVID-19 vaccination drive to give maximum jabs to people at free of cost, which is the only solution to control the pandemic surge and not night curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. as announced by the CM.”

He added that the marriage season will start from April 13, besides the Navaratri festival, and the night curfew will create panic among the people as the government is yet to spell out the manner in which it would be enforced.

“The need of the hour is to focus on the vaccination drive by bringing in more people into the vaccination ambit, and strictly enforce the test-tracing-treatment-sanitisation route, instead of wasting precious time on impractical pursuits like night curfew, Mr. Kumar said.

Earlier, Mr. Kumar had requested that an all party meet be called so that a strategy to deal with the rising cases could be worked out. He accused the government of not taking the fourth wave seriously by saying that it was not as severe as the past three waves.

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