Horoscope Today, April 16, 2021: Libra, Leo, Sagittarius, and other signs — check astrological prediction

Horoscope Today, April 16, 2021: Pisces — Little by little life must and will improve; there is no alternative. What's even better is that the lunar cycle is offering active support.

ARIES (Mar 21 Apr. 20)

It is difficult to be specific about Ariens’ fortunes at present. Some of you are still in a phase of considerable upheaval, others are relishing the prospect of increasing stability. If you do still have deep questions about a relationship, don’t sweep them under the carpet, but don’t jump to rash conclusions, either.

TAURUS (Apr. 21 May 21)

Now that Venus is playing such a direct role in your personal choices, you have entered a period in your life when you may abandon your former secrecy. Put aside your reluctance to discuss intimate personal ambitions with people who are closely involved. In future, you must deal with the plain facts.

GEMINI (May 22 June 21)

You have good cause to hope that long-running financial questions are about to face some sort of resolution. In fact, any settlement reached now must, by definition, be temporary and but a stage on the path to the final denouement. It could all be linked to a major new ambition.

CANCER (June 22 July 23)

The planets are playing out a drama in your sign which can only be described as profoundly mythological. This means that in your partnerships both now and in the near future you will be faced with a choice of two distinct roles to play, leader or follower: will you give the orders or obey them? You’ll know soon enough.

LEO (July 24 Aug. 23)

Why is it that you are so deeply conditioned into imagining that you deserve a good, long rest? If this is what you think, you had better deal as resolutely as possible with any and every problem, however trivial, which comes up today, especially if you can throw money at them.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 Sept. 23)

In the past, you have often imagined that when other people came to their senses everything would be straightened out. Now you may have to face the fact that colleagues will persist in their independent ideas for a long time to come. It’s all to do with the Moon, which means that you can successfully solve such problems.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 Oct. 23)

Everything about this time of year is symbolised by Mercury, a rich planet and one which has been responsible for making your ideas flow so vividly. Just remember that organisation and self-discipline are virtues to be cultivated if your high-minded plans are to be implemented.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 Nov. 22)

Apart from the fact that this is an ideal time to travel, the astrological message is simple and straightforward. You must give free rein to the side of your nature which lives according to ideals and deeply-held beliefs, and try to establish a personal meaning to life.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 Dec. 22)

It is perhaps surprising to other people that you often undervalue yourself, regarding your own great gifts as of little consequence. The sooner you realise such self-effacing attitudes are nonsense, the better. Family pressures begin to build up, but your fantasies could show the way forward.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 23 Jan. 20)

Under one particular planetary formation you have begun to wonder if others really care about you. Yet even if they don’t admit it, people genuinely do appreciate all the sacrifices you have made. They’ll tell you soon, so wait for the right time for the right words to come.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 Feb. 19)

A curious aspect to Mercury indicates that there may be misunderstandings or friction over exactly who is responsible for final arrangements. My estimate is that any disputes should be quickly resolved, but it may be necessary to put your money where your mouth is!

PISCES (Feb. 20 Mar 20)

Happily, one more planet has now been added to the list of those that are so effectively beginning to add depth and meaning to your existence. Little by little life must and will improve; there is no alternative. What’s even better is that the lunar cycle is offering active support.

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