Pune: Offence lodged against traders for Laxmi road protest

Traders had on Thursday protested against these restrictions by forming a human chain on the Laxmi Road and demanded that the government should allow all shops to open and do business.

Pune city police have booked 58 persons including Fattechand Ranka, the president of Federation of Trade Association of Pune (FTAP), for allegedly causing a violation of law by staging demonstration on Thursday, amid the restrictions imposed by the government to keep shops with non-essential items closed till April 30 due to the rising number of COVID 19 cases.

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Traders had on Thursday protested against these restrictions by forming a human chain on the Laxmi Road and demanded that the government should allow all shops to open and do business.

The demonstrations consisting of shop owners, traders and their staff took place between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm. Police said they have booked 58 persons in this case for allegedly causing violation of orders passed by the government restricting gathering of people to prevent the spread of COVID 19. An offence in this regard has been lodged at the Vishrambag police station.

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