Mayor claims ‘more Covid deaths’ took place than reported by Delhi govt

According to the official data shared by the health department, 141 fatalities were reported on April 16, whereas Mayor Jai Prakash said municipal records show 193 deaths.

More deaths from Covid-19 took place on Friday according to municipal records vis-a-vis the figures reported by the city government, North Delhi Mayor Jai Prakash claimed on Saturday.

According to the official data shared by the health department, 141 fatalities were reported on April 16. The North Delhi mayor, however, claimed that the “death count from Covid-19 was 193 on Friday”.

“According to cremations and burials performed of Covid -19 victims, the number of fatalities stands at 193,” he claimed.

In civic areas across Delhi, 300 platforms have been reserved for Covid victims, he said. Last year too, the BJP-led civic bodies and the AAP-ruled Delhi government had a war of words over “discrepancy” in number of deaths from the pandemic reported by the two authorities.

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