Milind Soman celebrates Holi with Ankita in PPE while being in quarantine

While the couple could not hug, they put colours on themselves and ate mangoes

Milind Soman managed to celebrated Holi even while being in quarantine after testing COVID-19 positive.

Sharing a picture with his forehead smeared with Holi colours, the 55-year-old actor shared how wife Ankita Konwar came dressed in a PPE kit to meet her husband, with “first mangoes of the season”. While they could not hug each other, they put some colours on themselves.

“I really shouldn’t be looking so grumpy, because @Ankita earthy came to visit with full PPE kit and first mangoes of the season! No hug though…we put some colour on ourselves and ate puranpolis sent by @somanusha,” the Four More Shots Please! actor wrote on Instagram.



A post shared by Milind Usha Soman (@milindrunning)

Milind ate six Alphonso mangoes, he further shared, although he could not smell it well. “I ate six mangoes and they were delicious. Hail Alphonso !!!! Don’t know whether my taste buds are impaired. Definitely can’t smell anything.”

He also went on to give details about his quarantine routine. “I drink a kadha 5-6 times a day. With methi and stuff. No fatigue, no headache, no fever, no other symptoms. I try to sleep the whole day, mental and physical rest is so important for the body in its healing process.”

He added, “Today woke up with O2 98 – pulse 63 – temp 97.6.”

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