Reduce taxes on petrol, diesel: Eswaran

The Central and State governments should reduce tax on petrol and diesel as the prices have skyrocketed to put the common man on hardship, Kongunadu Makkal Desiya Katchi general secretary E.R. Eswaran told reporters on the side lines of an event held here on Sunday.

The cascading effect of the rise in prices of petrol and diesel was seen on essential commodities. To reduce the common man’s burden both the governments should cut taxes.

The Union Budget did very little to address the plight of the common man. It had also failed to protect the MSME sector that was hit hard during the COVID-19 pandemic period. And, the State government was more keen on giving freebies than ameliorate the suffering of the common man.

His party was in position to determine the winner in at least 50 Assembly constituencies, Mr. Eswaran said and added that there was no misgiving among parties in the DMK alliance.

He also sought an increase in reservation from 26.5% to 40% for communities in the Backward Classes as they constituted 55% of the population.

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