Over 500 COVID patients turn out to vote in PPE gear

Their battle against the coronavirus infection did not deter over 500 voters from turning out to vote in PPE gear at designated polling stations across the Union Territory on Tuesday.

According to health officials, 220 patients in Puducherry, 247 in Karaikal and 25 in Mahe and 18 in Yanam had availed the facility to vote in the final hour of polling, which was set apart for Covid patients.

“I was determined to cast my vote as a facility was being provided for Covid patients,” said Geetha, a nurse who was infected about 10 days ago.

The PHCs co-ordinated the distribution of PPE kits and ambulance transportation of these patients.

“We had already mapped the patients in home isolation for the last 20 days and over the last couple of days, shortlisted those who were willing to vote,” said S. Mohan Kumar, Director of Health.

The Health Department distributed PPE kits to the patients, doctors and presiding officers at the booth. It also provided its own ambulance or arranged transportation with the assistance of the Elections Department.

“Workers are engaged in clearing the premises of biomedical waste,” Dr. Mohan Kumar said.

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