Mix-up of babies alleged at GH

A man from Madurai complained of mix-up of babies at the maternity ward of the Government Medical College Hospital here on Thursday.

Dean J. Sangumani ruled out the possibilities. “If the parents come up with a formal complaint, the issue can be easily sorted out with a DNA test,” he said.

The father said that while his family members were told initially that a male baby was born to his wife, a female baby with some physical deformities was handed over later.

“We had only three deliveries in the hospital this morning. There was adequate time gap between the second and third deliveries in question. Besides, both the deliveries were through Caesarean section and a big team of doctors and paramedical were involved in both the cases,” Dr. Sangumani said.

The family which did not rake up any issue for two hours made the complaint only after the father arrived, it was said.

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