Greta Thunberg extends support to Disha Ravi

“Freedom of speech and the right to peaceful protest and assembly are non-negotiable human rights,” she tweets

Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg has extended her support to Disha Ravi, the 22-year-old environmental activist who has been charged with sedition for allegedly editing an advocacy toolkit on the farmers’ protest, and sharing it with Ms. Thunberg.

“Freedom of speech and the right to peaceful protest and assembly are non-negotiable human rights. These must be a fundamental part of any democracy,” Ms. Thunberg tweeted on Friday, using the hashtag #StandWithDishaRavi. Her first public expression of support comes almost a week after Ms. Ravi’s arrest.

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The Swedish activist’s earlier tweets, first sharing and then deleting the toolkit, had brought the advocacy document to public attention.

On Friday, Ms. Thunberg’s statement of support was posted as part of a tweet thread by Fridays For Future (FFF) India, the environmental group that Ms. Ravi was aligned with.

Also read: Disha Ravi arrest: Parents issue statement asking govt. to ensure children’s safety

“We consist of a group of students who, with only a ray of hope, strive towards creating a future which is worth living in…Disha has been an integral part of this movement. Not only has she been voicing out environment concerns in India but strived for the equality and representation of the country’s most affected and marginalized groups in the global climate movement’s narrative,” said their tweet thread.

FFF India emphasised that the organisation has always condemned violence of any sort. “If there is one thing [Ms. Ravi’s] activism has taught us, it is to raise our voices peacefully and respectfully for those at stake, to ensure justice for everyone,” it said.

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