Electricity dept. employees begin indefinite strike opposing privatisation

Defying a warning by the Karaikal district administration, employees of Electricity Department , in deference to a call given by Privatisation Protest Committee, commenced their indefinite strike by staging a dharna on Monday, triggering fears of disruption of power supply.

The employees sat all through the day and raised slogans against the Puducherry government expressing their fears over job security and working conditions, even as the district administration contemplated action against them on the ground of causing disturbance to public tranquillity and danger to human life, health and safety.

Apprehending damage of properties in view of the indefinite strike by Electricity Department employees, the Karaikal district administration has arranged for police protection to the buildings and equipment.

In an order directed at the Electricity Department employees, Karaikal Collector Arjun Sharma invoked Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, to prohibit ‘unlawful assembly’ of the employees.

Legal action under Section 188 of IPC and other relevant provisions will be initiated against the violators, the Collector said.

Electricity being an essential service, critical services like hospitals and water supply are dependent on electricity supply. Any indefinite disruptions in the supply of electricity is likely to cause disturbance to public peace and danger to human life, health and safety. This necessitates immediate prohibition of any activities which adversely affect electricity supply, the Collector said.

Meanwhile, V. R. Dhanaseelane president, Karaikal District Citizens’ Welfare Association, drew the attention of the Postal Department to the dysfunctional condition of UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) devices in the Post Offices in the enclave.

In a letter to the Superintendent of Post Offices, Nagapattinam Division, Nagapattinam, and The Postmaster General, Central Region, Tamil Nadu, Tiruchi, Mr. Dhanaseelane said immediate steps must be taken to restore the UPS devices in the post offices.

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