Defiling of nagabana: Special police team formed to trace accused

Police Commissioner N. Shashi Kumar on Tuesday said a team has been entrusted with the task of solving the case of the defilement of the nagabana in Kodikal.

Unknown persons entered the sanctum santorum of the nagabana on Saturday and threw out an idol of the snake god. Residents and activists of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Bajrang Dal carried out a demonstration on Saturday and said repeated defiling of places of worship had hurt the sentiments of many devotees.

Residents closed shops and business establishments on Monday as police had failed to arrest the accused.

In a protest meeting that was held, activists said if the accused are not arrested in the next 24 days, there will be a district bandh.

Mr. Kumar told reporters on Tuesday that the police have taken serious note of the defilement of nagabanas in Kavoor police station limits and in Kodikal. “We are working from all possible angles. I am personally reviewing the cases every day,” he said, and asked people to share any leads.

The nagabana in Kodikal is among the several sacred groves, temples, and daivastanas in the city that has no CCTV cameras or security guards.

A daivastana was defiled in Baikampady and a person was arrested last month.

Mangaluru City North MLA Y. Bharath Shetty has assured of taking steps for strengthening security and surveillance to places of worship in his constituency.

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