COVID-19 vaccination figures cross 5-crore mark in India

CoWIN ready for expanded coverage

The cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered crossed 5 crore with 5,00,75,162 jabs given till Tuesday, as per the provisional report till 7 p.m., said the Health Ministry.

They include 79,03,068 Health Care Workers (HCWs) who have taken the first dose and 50,09,252 HCWs who have taken the second, 83,33,713 Front Line Workers (FLWs) (first), 30,60,060 FLWs (second), 2,12,03,700 beneficiaries more than 60 years old and 45,65,369 aged 45 and above with specific co-morbidities.

Of the 15,80,568 doses given on Tuesday, 13,74,697 beneficiaries were vaccinated for the first dose and 2,05,871 HCWs and FLWs the second.

The Ministry said beneficiaries must insist on receiving a hard copy or a digital copy/link of their vaccination certificate.

“In private hospitals, this has been included in the fee charged from you. You may use your observation period of 30 minutes to ensure that you get the certificate. Do not return home without it. If the hospital does not provide a certificate, the beneficiary may lodge a complaint at toll-free number 1075,” the Ministry said.

It said protection would be greater if the vaccine is taken between 6-8 weeks but not beyond the eighth week.

The CoWIN platform has been amended to do away with the feature of the auto scheduling of the second dose on the 29th day. Beneficiaries can decided on the date within the interval of four to eight weeks.

As such, there will no longer be any auto-scheduling of the second dose on the 29th day. The beneficiaries have complete freedom to decide/choose the date of second dose within the extended interval of 4–8 weeks as per their convenience,” the statement said.

It said the beneficiary is advised to take the second dose in the 6th-8th week after the first dose. “Even if you are automatically scheduled for the second dose, you are free to choose a day and date as per your convenience between the extended period of 4–8 weeks, the statement said.

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