CM: Kerala to be made a knowledge economy

He opens webinar that sees participation from 22 countries

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has said the government will transform Kerala into a knowledge economy and added that the democratisation of digital space was the first step towards this initiative.

He was inaugurating an international webinar jointly organised by the Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation (GIFT) and Global Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems (Globelics) on the theme ‘Kerala Transforming to a Knowledge Economy’ with the participation of representatives from 22 countries.

The Chief Minister said the government also aimed at making the State a centre of world-class excellence in higher education.

The State was rapidly embarking on the necessary projects.

Global job portal

Presiding over the function, Finance Minister and GIFT chairman T.M. Thomas Isaac said the fact that the economic base of Kerala remained largely unchanged was a crisis and a change was needed.

he government is trying to make two major interventions in the field of knowledge by setting up a global job portal and promoting knowledge-based industries.

Emeritus Professor Bang Ake Lundwal of Alberg University School of Business in Denmark was the chief guest. State Planning Board vice chairman V.K. Ramachandran; Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council chairman K.M. Abraham; Deepu Zakaria, joint secretary, Group of Technology Companies; and K.J. Joseph, director of GIFT and president of Globelics were among those who spoke.

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