Few days ago, we reported that Alia Bhatt who is making her debut in Tollywood with Young tiger Jr NTR and Mega Power Star Ram Charan starrer upcoming much hyped multilingual drama RRR, was tested positive for the novel Coronavirus. But now according to the latest report, she has recoved ans has been tested negative for Coronavirus. Alia Bhatt is ready to back to work. The RRR girl took to her Instagram to share a pic of her and said, ‘The only time being negative is a good thing’. Coming on the pic, she is seen wearing a blue sweatshirt.
‘Gangubai Kathiawadi’ will be the first of Alia Bhatt to release , which is on the verge of completion. After wrapping up the shoot of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’ directorial venture, she will move to SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus ‘RRR’ in which she is playing the role of Sita and love interest of Ram Charan. The reports are coming that recently Alia Bhatt contacted the makers of RRR about her part of shooting and accordingly arrangements are being made.
On the otherside, Alia Bhatt will also be seen playing the lead role of fantasy drama Brahmastra which has Ranbir Kapoor in the lead role.
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