CBSE Class 12 exams cancelled: Pune schools welcome decision

Many city principals however said that the students are in a panic mode since they have not appeared for internal exams wholeheartedly.

For the last several days now, CBSE school teachers have not only been busy with calculating the results of Class X students based on a unique marking formula shared by the board but have also been acting as counsellors to anxious Class XII students who were unsure of the fate of their final exams. The uncertainty ended on Tuesday evening as the CBSE board announced the cancellation of Class XII exams and that the results will be compiled as per “well-defined objective criteria”.

Most city school principals welcomed the decision which they said was much needed. “Actually, calculating marks based on internal evaluations isn’t that difficult for schools since we have already conduct unit, semester and prelim examinations. In fact, at our school, we were supposed to conduct our fourth pre-board exam from tomorrow, which we are going to go ahead with anyway now, as a practice test to students. As an educationist, I do not believe that a three-hour exam was a fair assessment of what the student studies all year around and I believe that the COVID year has provided us all with a fresh perspective. I think that a different kind of marking, based on an entire year’s performance and involvement of students, is more humane and even accurate assessment,” said Jayshree Venkatraman, principal, SNBP School.

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Many city principals however said that the students are in a panic mode since they have not appeared for internal exams wholeheartedly.

“It’s a mixed reaction, parents are happy with exam cancellation as the risk of COVID will no longer haunt the kids but they are worried about the results too. since last evening though, we have received several calls from students who are panicking. They are anxious what the objective criteria will be to calculate results. Actually, Class 12 being a board exam year, students may not have written school exams seriously, assuming marks won’t be counted and these are practice tests. Though at the school we have conducted two-unit tests, semesters and prelim exams. Honestly, we thought that cancellation of board exams for Class XIIth is a bleak possibility since for students taking up professional courses, they have competitive exams to decide for admissions but what about other students going for traditional courses? Now those board exams are cancelled, we are waiting for this objective criterion to come out and may later decide to hold a pre board exam for students, if need be,” said Damini Joshi, principal, Sanskriti School.

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