85-year-old neurophysician among first to get second dose of Covid jab

The process of administering the second dose of the vaccine commenced at various centres in the city on Monday, after the ambitious inoculation drive was launched on January 16.

A 85-year-old neurophysician was among the first ones to get the second and final dose of the Covid-19 vaccine in Pune. The process of administering the second dose of the vaccine commenced at various centres in the city on Monday, after the ambitious inoculation drive was launched on January 16.

Dr R S Wadia received the jab at Ruby Hall and was monitored for the mandatory half hour post vaccination. Speaking to The Indian Express at the hospital out patient department, the 85-year-old neurophysician said all vaccines have been useful from the time of small pox. . “It just makes good sense to take the vaccine,” Dr Wadia said and appealed that there should be no vaccine hesitancy. “We need to keep our country and the world safe,” he added.

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Dr Manisha Karmarkar, Chief Operating Officer Ruby Hall Clinic, said that initially they were supposed to start on February 13 but the date got pushed.

Overall 3,500 persons have been registered for getting the vaccine shot at Ruby Hall Clinic of which 2,400 have been administered the vaccine.

“We will administer the vaccine to some 30 to 40 health care workers who were given the dose on Jan 16,” Dr Karmarkar said.

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