Junior Andre looks exactly like topless dad Peter Andre in Mysterious Girl video as he shares Jacuzzi pictures

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Junior looks just like dad Peter Andre in a recent family video.

Peter shared sweet footage of his children playing together in a hot tub and fans couldn’t get believe how much his 15-year-old son, Junior, looked just like him.

During the cute video, Junior splashed around in the jacuzzi with his siblings, Princess, 13, Amelia, seven, and four-year-old Theo.

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Peter shared the sweet family moment filmed by himself, with his 1.6 million followers on Instagram.

“Sibling love….. Amelia,Theo,” the singer captioned the adorable video alongside tagging the official Instagram accounts of Princess and Junior.

Fans of the Mysterious Girl hitmaker jumped at the chance to comment about how alike the father and son look.

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“Junior looks like you did in mysterious girl in this! “ Gushed one follower.

Another shared a love heart eye emoji beside the words: “Junior is double of his dad.”

A fellow fan took to the comments to tell Peter how much adult his eldest son looked.

“Junior looks like an adult here, really grown up,” they penned.

Meanwhile another made bets that both Junior and his sister Princess would follow in his father’s footsteps living a life in the limelight.

"Junior and Princess are going to be famous in their own right,” they said. “Can see it. Beautiful children.”

Peter’s fans also went on to urge Peter and his doctor wife Emily Andrea, who’s mother to Amelia and Theo, to have more children.

“I think you both need to add another beautiful Andre to the family,” penned an Instagrammer.

Peter shares Junior and Princess with his ex-wife, Katie Price, who he married after falling in love on I'm A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!.

The parents, who parted ways in 2009, have always allowed Junior and Princess to grow up in the media, leaving Peter to recently justify why he hides the faces of little Theo and Amelia.

The proud father told his YouTube followers in a recent upload that wife Emiy isn’t keen on their children getting recognised on school grounds.

“So Emily's point is that they weren't born into the media,” Peter explained. “No one has ever seen their faces.”

“So she doesn't really want anyone to see their faces,” he continued. “So when they go to school no one can really recognise them.”

“Obviously from J and P from day one, we were documenting our lives and they were part of that, so I think they have always been in the media,” said Peter. “And that's the reasoning.”

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