Amber Heard won't see your mocking tweets, but survivors of sexual violence will

The other morning, I went to send my friend a TikTok of a man lip syncing to what I assumed was a line from a movie. 

‘Is the slippery w***e that I donated my j**z to for a while staying there?’ the man mouthed, with the caption ‘calling your wife’s friends to find out if she’s coming home after brunch’ listed underneath.

I was going to make a joke, but before I did, I clicked on the audio to see where it was from and stopped in my tracks.

It was Johnny Depp giving testimony at his libel trial against his ex-wife Amber Heard.  

The reality of what this meant took a while to sink in. Even as a line from TV or a film, as I’d first assumed, it’s misogynistic. But it being something a man said about a woman he is currently suing for libel over a 2018 op-ed in which she refers to herself as a survivor of sexual violence felt shocking. 

Here was a man reading an incredibly degrading text he’d sent about his ex-wife during a trial centred on domestic violence being used as the ‘bottom text’ of a meme. And I’d almost fallen for it.

Dismay quickly set in; as a survivor of sexual violence myself, I’ve been trying hard to avoid discussion of the trial as much as I can, let alone share anything about it.

This is how I tend to handle high-profile discussions of sexual and domestic violence. 

In order to minimise being triggered or having to endure endless rounds of speculation about whether or not the accuser is lying, I mute as many words related to the case or allegations as possible, such as names of the people involved or any hashtags that have sprung up around it. 

I also mute or block accounts regularly posting content about it, and if need be, stay away from social media for a day or two. 

This technique of muting words and accounts seemed to be working for the first week of the trial or so. I’d occasionally see a tweet about the proceedings, but I could just hide it and move on. 

But then something changed. 

Content about the trial started popping up across all my social feeds, from Instagram to TikTok, and YouTube to Facebook. Attempting to block or mute the topic felt like playing a game of whack-a-mole against a very determined algorithm. 

These seemingly random, constant little reminders of the ways in which people will belittle or mock discussions of sexual violence would pop up throughout my day, reminding me of some of my worst experiences and making me feel as though this is how I would be treated if I ever tried to speak about them.

NBC News recently reported that several YouTube channels have completely pivoted their content in an attempt to cash in on the trial via increased views. 

Content about it is continuing to dominate trends on TikTok as well. At the time of writing this, the hashtag #justiceforjonnydepp has 11.1billion views and #DeppvHeard has 480.6million views. 

Even as a survivor myself, I can’t imagine what it must be like for people currently experiencing intimate partner violence, or thinking about speaking out against their aggressor for the first time while watching this play out. 

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Telling someone about what has been done to you, whether it’s rape, sexual assault or domestic violence, for the first time takes a huge amount of courage. Having others not believe or belittle your experience can invalidate your trauma, or even contribute to it. 

Having run the Bi Survivors Network for nearly five years now, we’ve helped many people make their first disclosure in our support chat and each time has been an act of bravery and reclamation.

People deserve a safe and supporting space to​ disclose and feeling as though speaking about their experience will be met with the kind of mockery and harassment Amber Heard is being subjected to is going to discourage people from coming forward.

As several people have tweeted, Amber Heard and Johnny Depp are unlikely to see your posts about them, but your friends who’ve experienced sexual violence might. How can they feel safe talking to you about what’s happened to them? 

It feels as though any ground gained by the #MeToo movement has completely disappeared as content creators, spectators, and the public are in a general frenzy to scratch the itch of once again being able to bully and belittle the ‘wrong kind’ of women. 

And while she might not seem it at first, Amber Heard is the ‘wrong kind’ of survivor. 

Firstly, she is bisexual, making her a part of a community that experiences higher rates of sexual violence, with up to 61% of bi+ women having experienced rape, assault, stalking or domestic abuse.

Heard also has a mental health condition – borderline personality disorder – a fact many social media posters have used to discredit her testimony, despite the fact that people with mental illnesses are more likely to have experienced domestic or sexual violence. 

If someone with the money and cultural capital of Amber Heard has received this level of mockery and harassment, what awaits more marginalised, less powerful women who attempt to speak out against influential – or any – men?

More worryingly, the mockery of this trial has recently jumped from our phone to television screens with American sketch show Saturday Night Live including a skit about one of the most talked about aspects of the case: Depp’s allegation that Heard defecated in his bed, which she denies. 

This incident spawned the hashtag #MePoo, which went viral among Depp’s supporters earlier in the trial. It felt humiliating to see the movement that had given so many people strength to come forward mocked in this way.

If an entire movement intended to empower people to speak out against intimate partner and sexual violence has become a joke, how can we possibly expect survivors to find the courage to come forward in the future?

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