Is He The Father Of Ileana’s Child?

After announcing her pregnancy in April, Ileana D’Cruz introduced the ‘mystery man’ in her life with an Instagram post recently.

The actor shared pictures of a ‘date night’ with her boyfriend, but shied away from naming him.

Is he the father of her child?

She has written about him earlier.

Posting a blurred image, she had written that this ‘lovely man’ was her ‘rock’.

‘He’s held me when he feels me starting to crack,’ she added.

Here’s the entire post, where she describes her pregnancy:

‘Being pregnant is such a beautiful beautiful blessing.

I didn’t think I’d be fortunate enough to ever experience this so I consider myself so incredibly lucky to be on this journey. I can’t even begin to describe how lovely it is to feel a life growing inside of you. Most days I’m just overwhelmed staring down at my bump going wow — I get to meet you soon — and then there’s some days that are so inexplicably hard. So trying.

They’re overwhelming.

All consuming.

And things just feel hopeless.

And there’s tears.

Then follows the guilt.

And this voice in my head puts me down.

I should be thankful, not be crying over something so trivial.

I should be stronger.

What kind of mother will I be if I’m not strong enough.

And I don’t know what kind of mother I will be. I really don’t.

All I do know is that I love this little human so darned much already I could explode. And for now — I think that’s enough.

And on the days I forget be kind to myself, this lovely man has been my rock. He’s held me when he feels me starting to crack. And wipes the tears away. And cracks goofy jokes to make me smile. Or just offers a hug when he knows that’s exactly what I need in that moment. And everything doesn’t seem so hard anymore.’

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