Tips for self care over the weekend

Ensure you unwind and practice self care to begin your week ahead on a positive note

Amid our busy schedules, we often forget to prioritise ourselves. While in the short-term it may not matter much, in the long-term, it can be unsustainable. Therefore, everyone should take out time for themselves, as much as possible. And what better time than over the weekend? Here are some essential tips from yoga trainer Anshuka Parwani.that can help you unwind.

“If you’re new to self care and wondering about different ways to nurture yourself this weekend, here are a few ways that I use to recharge myself on weekends,” she said.



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*Practice saying no

*De-clutter your space

*Start a gratitude journal

*Turn off notifications for a whole 24 hours

*Listen to what your body needs – move, dance, rest, meditate, breathe

*Pamper yourself

*Get a whole night’s sleep

It is a good idea to start unwinding at least 30 minutes before your bedtime with quiet activities like reading or meditating, or take a warm bath or shower to help you relax.

What’s your self-care menu like?

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