Malaika Arora shares yoga asanas for healthy, radiant skin

Malaika Arora shares three yoga poses that can help purify the blood and give you glowing skin

We all wish to have healthy, glowing skin. But while you may have tried various skincare products, do you know that there are certain exercises/yoga poses that can help your skin heal and glow from within? Exercise is known to boost immunity and release happy hormones, which, in turn, help improve blood circulation. And good blood circulation equals radiant skin.

Taking to Instagram, Malaika Arora shared three yoga asanas for healthy and radiant skin.

“We all need to keep our body hydrated to beat the heat and keep it healthy. While we continue to drink lots and lots of water, this #MalaikasMoveOfTheWeek I am sharing 3 poses that I practice regularly for healthy skin. These poses can be very effective in purifying blood leading to healthy-looking skin. Check it out!” she wrote.

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Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose)

Sarvangasana regulates blood flow towards your face as you are upside down. This helps improve the quality and texture of your skin while also building strength around the shoulders and back.

How to do?

*Get into Savasana (corpse pose).
*Now, bring together your feet and place your hand sideways close to your body.
*Bring your legs close to your chest.
*Lift your lower body slowly
*Take your hands, place them on your back and slowly lift your legs up.
*Your entire body should be in a straight line with your upper arm supporting your back.
*Hold the pose – begin with 10 seconds – breath normally.
*Now slowly fold your leg from the knee.
*With the support of your hands, get your upper body down.
*Get back on the mat and rest. Lie down in Savasana for as long as you held Sarvangasana. Don’t get up with a jerk instantly after finishing it.

Halasana (Plough Pose)

This pose helps to reduce stress, calm the mind and improve your digestive process, all of which have an amazing effect on the skin.

How to do?

*Lie on your back with your palms facing the ground.
*Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, press your palms into the floor and raise your legs towards the ceiling.
*For added support, you can place your hands on your lower back.
*You can also bend your knees if you’re losing balance.
*Slowly and gradually, move your feet behind your body and try touching the ground.
*Breathe slowly. To come out of the pose, slowly release your hands from your back and bring your feet flat on the ground.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

A post shared by Malaika Arora (@malaikaaroraofficial)

Trikonasana helps open the chest and shoulders. This opening of the chest allows supply of fresh oxygen to the skin. Along with benefiting the skin, it also gives you toned arms, legs and thighs as you practice regularly.

How to do?

*Stand straight with your feet comfortably apart
*Turn your right foot to face outside, with the heel inward
*Both heels should be in a straight line. Inhale, and bend your body from your hip to the right, with your left arm raised straight up
*You can rest your right hand on your ankle, shin, or if comfortable, on the mat
*Your head can be in line with your torso if you are comfortable, you can gaze up at your left palm.
*With every exhale, relax your body a little more

Which one can you ace better?

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