IIM Udaipur confers 317 students with MBA degrees

Due to the Covid-19 situation and restrictions, the convocation was held in a virtual mode for the first time, witnessing the graduation of 317 students

The Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Udaipur, recently hosted its 9th Annual Convocation for the two-year MBA (Batch 2019-21), and the one-year MBA in Global Supply Chain Management and Digital Enterprise Management (Batches 2020-21) in virtual mode.

A total of 317 students graduated in the convocation of two-year MBA (batch 2019-21) and one-year MBA GSCM and DEM, (batches 2020-21).

Kunal Jain was awarded a gold medal for scholastic performance in the one-year MBA in Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM) Course. Radhika Gupta was awarded a gold medal in the one-year MBA in Digital Enterprise Management (DEM) course. Kalam Kishore Reddy, Anup Kumar and Lovish Mittal were jointly awarded gold medal for scholastic performance in the two-year MBA Course. Sharda Kiran of the Two-year MBA (Batch 2019-21) course was adjudged the best all-round student.

Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Chief Guest, said, “Covid-19 is not the first pandemic that humanity has faced. We need to reimagine our future with hope and purpose as every adversity creates unprecedented opportunities. Technology backed startups are mushrooming everywhere and businesses are pivoting, presenting opportunities for every single sector. The country needs students to convert the challenges of the aftermath of Covid-19 into opportunities.”

Pankaj Patel, Chairman, IIM Udaipur, said, “Our students received offers from the most sought after roles from prominent firms in India and abroad irrespective of conditions. The institute started its journey with a clear vision in place which includes the commitment to thought-leadership and high-quality research and developing managers prepared to be tomorrow’s leaders.”


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