Valmiki Nagar residents seek pumping station with better capacity

Residents of Valmiki Nagar in Thiruvanmiyur want the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board (CMWSSB) to increase the pumping capacity of the sewage pumping station at the end of Valmiki Nagar Second Seaward Road.

Further, they have requested the CMWSSB to correct flaws in the sewage pipes along Balakrishna Road. Manholes on Balakrishna Road could be found overflowing as sewage is unable to drain into the pumping station. The sewage seeps into the rainwater harvesting wells on the road and contaminates the groundwater. This has forced a section of the residents to buy water in cans from private suppliers. “It is annoying to use this road as sewage is stagnant,” says S. Saravanan, a resident. Further, sewage from Balakrishna Road enters a playground in Thiruvalluvar Nagar 16th Cross Street. Residents say that they have been enduring this problem for the past many years and their several complaints to the CMWSSB evoked no response.

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