Actress Sanjana Galrani’s sister Nicki Galrani, who made a name for herself with the movie ‘Buzzigadu’, has made her entry in Kollywood as a heroine. Impressed with her acting and cute looks, this beauty queued up for a series of opportunities. Tamil films like ‘Darling’, ‘Velayinnu Vandutta Vellaikkaran’, ‘Kadavul Irukkan Kumar’, ‘Motta Siva Ketta Siva’, ‘Harahara Mahadevaki’ and ‘Maragatha Nanayam’ gained good popularity.
Meanwhile, on January 11, Nicky raised a complaint with the police against Dhanush, a 19-year-old boy who works near him. Dhanush works at Nicky Gallani’s house in Raipet, Chennai. Nicky’s expensive clothes, however, did not appear on camera. Dhanush, who was on the run after the incident, complained to the police that he himself had committed the theft.
Demanded that appropriate action be taken against Dhanush. Police who received the compliant found that Dhanush was hiding in his friend’s house in Tirupur. He was arrested in Tirupur on Monday and the stolen items were seized.
Police brought Dhanush to Chennai for questioning. The items seized from him were handed over to Nicki. It is reported that Nicky withdrew his compliant. Nicky asked the police not to take any action against Dhanush. Information that stolen things cost more than a lakh.
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