The yard sees 200 lorry trips of waste dumped in the open a day
The recent rains have hampered operations at the Coimbatore Corporation’s dump yard in Vellalore.
Sources said that after almost every rain, the ground turned slushy at the yard. This was more so at the 200 acre where the Corporation dumped waste in the open. The slushy earth makes it difficult for the lorries to move in and out, as the vehicles get stuck particularly when they are fully packed with waste.
Therefore, on rainy days and for a few days thereafter the Corporation lets in only one lorry at a time into the site to dump waste and exit the place.
This took time and led to piling up of lorries one behind another. As a result of the time taken for lorries to dump waste and return to the wards for collecting waste in the second trip, the operation was hampered, the sources said.
The Corporation’s Vellalore yard saw 200 lorry trips of waste dumped in the open – or about 300 tonnes a day. The impact of the time the lorries took to dump waste in Vellalore on the streets was that the waste collected and dumped in bins was not getting cleared the very day, the sources said and pointed out that the Vellalore bus terminus construction only compounded the problem, the sources added.
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