Recognition of 259 private schools cancelled across A.P.

The School Education Department has cracked the whip on schools which are running violating the rules. School Education Department Joint Director (Examinations) Subba Reddy on Friday issued orders for closure of 259 private schools across the State.

“Recognition of the private schools has been completed by 2019-20, but the managements have not applied for renewal. Some schools were running additional classes without obtaining permission from the government,” said a School Education Department official.

Mr. Reddy said the online nominal rolls of the closed schools would not be accepted and the managements of the schools should not make admissions.

“Despite several reminders, the school managements did not respond and applied for renewal of recognition. Some institutions do not have proper facilities. Parents can log on to, to know the details of the closed schools,” the School Education Joint Director said.

The Andhra Pradesh School Education Regulatory and Monitoring Commission (APSERMC) has inspected many schools across the State and enquired about the facilities in the State. The Commission has recommended for cancellation of recognition of schools which do not have proper facilities.

“During inspections, we found that many private schools were lacking facilities. The schools do not have proper buildings, teaching staff, classrooms, drinking water, toilets and other facilities. We wrote to the School Education Department for cancellation of permission to such institutions,” said a Commission member.

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