The Delhi police on Monday arrested a man in north-west Delhi’s Bharat Nagar for allegedly beating his 30-year-old paralysed son who later succumbed to injuries.
According to the police, they received a call at 1:24 p.m. on Sunday wherein a duty constable said a person named Paramjeet has been admitted in an unconscious state at Deep Chand Bandhu Hospital.
On examination, the doctor declared him dead and the body was shifted to another hospital for autopsy.
Paramjeet, and is a resident of JJ colony in Wazirpur, got paralysed 14 years ago and was bedridden since then, his sister Rekha told the police.
DCP (Northwest) Usha Rangnani said when Rekha came home on Sunday morning, Paramjeet was lying injured.
“Paramjeet told her that his father had come home in an inebriated state the previous night and beaten him badly with a wooden stick,” the DCP said.
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