Only green crackers allowed for Deepavali: TNPCB

The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) has issued directives on bursting of firecrackers on Deepavali in the district.

The Board has flagged the effects of firecrackers on health and environment. Bursting of firecrackers would cause temporary or permanent deafness, and severe respiratory diseases. The pollution caused by crackers would affect air, land and water and the high decibel noise causes trauma to animals, the Board has said.

In its wake, only ‘green crackers’ may be used to celebrate the festival.

Citing the Supreme Court order of October 2018 that forbid bursting of polluting crackers with high emissions and called for sale and use of “green crackers”, the TNPCB has urged the public to use “only low emission, less polluting green crackers”. Less polluting, low decibel, low emission crackers shall be used between 6 a.m to 7 a.m and 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Deepavali. Bursting of firecrackers is prohibited in silence zones such as hospitals, schools, courts, religious places and in the vicinity of vulnerable structures such as huts and fire-prone areas.

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