March 22, 1980, Forty Years Ago: Consensus On Gujarat

Leaders of national Opposition parties agreed with the Prime Minister today agreed with the Prime Minister that the withdrawal of the anti-reservation agitation in Gujarat was essential for finding a lasting solution to the problems faced by the medicos.

Leaders of national Opposition parties agreed with the Prime Minister today agreed with the Prime Minister that the withdrawal of the anti-reservation agitation in Gujarat was essential for finding a lasting solution to the problems faced by the medicos. They also voiced their opposition to the proposed statewide bandh on March 25 as it would create further tension and obstruct a solution to the problem. There was consensus at the meeting between Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and the opposition leaders that a durable solution could be worked out only in an atmosphere not surcharged with emotion. Leaders from the Congress , BJP, Janata Party, Lok Dal, CPI, CPM, Muslim League, AIADMK, DMK , RSP and Forward Block attended the meeting.

But Medicos Adamant

The Gujarat medicos have reiterated their stand that they would not withdraw their anti-reservation agitation unconditionally. Mrugesh Vaishnav, president of the agitating medicos said that there was no question of withdrawing the agitation unless one of the four alternative formulae suggested put up by the medicos was accepted by the government. He said neither Jaisukhlal Hathi, the Punjab Governor, nor anyone else had approached the medicos for talks.

New Army Chief

Lt General K V Krishna Rao GOC-in-C Western Command will be the new army chief. He will take over from General O P Malhotra.

Pak’s Bomb

Pakistan’s president General Zia-ul-Haq has given instructions to test the so-called bomb in May, according to a report in the Soviet daily, Pravda. The explosion earlier scheduled for November last year was postponed due to the changing strategy of the US.

There was no edition of this paper on March 22 due to Holi. These are excerpts from the paper on March 21

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