Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has launched the land registration services under the YSR Jagananna Saswatha Bhoo Hakku Bhoo Raksha scheme, and under this, land registration services started in 37 villages.
He said, “We have completed this extensive land survey in fifty one villages in AP for the first time in the country, by the grace of god. We are beginning the process of registration of lands and properties in village secretariats in 37 of the 51 villages.” The reevaluation of lands has been taken up after hundred years under the scheme, and also the government has decided to offer clear title deeds to the owners.
The registration process has been inaugurated by the CM in 37 villages, and by this December, the process would be accomplished in 11,501 villages, said Jagan. As 90% of the issues are civil litigations and there are complaints of tampering with land records and the boundaries are not marked well, the reforms had to be taken up. If the lnd markings are done scientifically, and landholders receive identification numbers, then the issues can be resolved.
Employing modern technology, the land resurvey was started with a budget of Rs.1,000 crore, pressing into action some 4,500 survey teams with seventy CORS base stations and 2,000 rovers. The remaining lands will also surveyed by June 2023, in phases, and the registration would be carried in the respective village secretariats with a special identity number.
Jagan said that the state government took up the project after 100 years. Many land disputes can be filtered and the land transactions would be easier due ton the resurvey of the lands.
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