Project K is an upcoming fantasy movie in which Young Rebel star Prabhas and Deepika Padukone are playing the lead roles. Project K also marks Big B aka Amitabh Bhachchan is one of most prestigious projects in Indian cinema, which is helmed by Nag Ashwin of Mahanati fame. Now according to the latest report, the next schedule of Project K will commence in Hyderabad in the second week of February. The makers are planning to shoot few crucial scenes on the lead pair, Prabhas and Deepika Padukone. Both the actors will be taking part in this schedule and it will be a lengthy one for them.
Prabhas and Nag Ashwin’ Project K is a mega budget sci-fi thriller produced by Vyjayanthi Movies. The upcoming film marks Deepika’s first film with Prabhas, who is best known for the Baahubali duology.
Last year, Big B gave the muhurat shot of the film. Saaho star shared a picture from the sets and gave Bachchan the title of “Guru of Indian Cinema.” Earlier during an interview Nag Ashwin said, “I am very excited to see Deepika Padukoneplay this character. It is something no mainstream lead has done before and will be quite a surprise for everyone.”
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