Incentive for informers

The government has decided to give an incentive of ₹2,500 to those providing information about child labour.

Child labour has been banned and been made a criminal offence. While there are fewer instances of child labour in Kerala, children continue to be brought to the State along with migrant workers and through middlemen for work. It is in this context that a decision has been taken to incentivise furnishing of information on child labour. The incentive is expected to promote public participation in efforts to curb child labour.

Information about child labour should be provided in the districts to the District Child Protection Officer (DCPO). The amount will be transferred to the bank account of the informant once the authorities are convinced about the veracity of the information. If more than one person provides the information, the person who provided the information first will be eligible for the incentive.

The details furnished should have name of the establishment where a child works; name of the place, address, and photograph; name of the owner and any other details; photo of child or children if available; or any other details that will help in clear identification. The identity of the informant will not be divulged.

Integrated Child Protection Scheme officials say the incentive will help increase reporting of such cases through public participation.

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