Prayer meet interrupted over conversion rumour in Jaipur; police deny claim

According to the police, a preliminary investigation has not revealed any religious conversion angle to the incident.

A prayer meeting taking place on Sunday night in Jaipur’s Goverdhan Nagar area was allegedly interrupted by a group of people who accused those present at the gathering of carrying out religious conversions, police said Monday, adding that around 10 people were part of the gathering.

According to the police, a preliminary investigation has not revealed any religious conversion angle to the incident.

Ashok Mahawar, who was present at the meeting, said “We had assembled to offer prayers to Jesus Christ and were singing hymns. The people present weren’t even Christian. We are Hindu, but are just devotees of Jesus Christ. Around this time, a crowd of around 100 local residents interrupted the prayer meeting and told us that we shouldn’t take the name of Jesus.”

“We reached the spot after getting information about the incident. The people who had interrupted the prayer meeting gave us a written complaint against the people who were part of it. We didn’t find any evidence that anyone was being converted,” said Anil Kumar Tailor, sub inspector, Malpura Gate police station.

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