Spotify isn’t doing anything about Joe Rogan’s dangerous anti-vaxx conspiracies

Many royal fans and many Sussex fans tend to have a siloed view of the Windsors and the Sussexes. I’m guilty of it too, where I’m so focused on what’s happening between the royals and the media, I miss the bigger picture. That’s what happened writ large following the announcement that Spotify and the Sussexes were parting ways – everyone focused so heavily on what Harry and Meghan did or didn’t do, what money they’re making or not making, and we missed the bigger picture. Which is this: Spotify is openly going full-blown lunatic fringe anti-vaxx conspiracy nutjob. That’s the Spotify brand now, because they’re all-in with Joe Rogan and his $200 million Spotify contract. Last Thursday, Rogan did a three-hour show with Robert Kennedy Jr, whose entire presidential campaign platform is being a dangerous anti-science, anti-vaxx wingnut.

A broad swath of the anti-vaccine universe celebrated Thursday, when Joe Rogan, the biggest podcaster in the country, hosted a three-hour conversation with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the anti-vax luminary turned presidential candidate. The conversation was an orgy of unchecked vaccine misinformation, some conspiracy-mongering about 5G technology and wifi, and, of course, Rogan once again praising ivermectin, an ineffective faux COVID treatment.

As RFK began his campaign by downplaying his anti-vaccine activism, the conversation represented a bit of a return to form. But the episode also conclusively demonstrates that Spotify, the platform that reportedly paid more than $200 million to host Rogan’s show, has completely given up on addressing his relentless torrent of medical misinformation, except in the most pallid and surface-level ways.

The show began with Rogan monologuing effusively about how he changed his mind on Kennedy, saying he’d gone from thinking the latter was “a fringey-thinking conspiracy-type person” to agreeing with Kennedy’s stance on vaccines during the pandemic. “I was like, ‘Is this possible that this is the guy that’s telling the truth?’” Rogan asked, rhetorically.

What followed was a detailed survey of Kennedy’s most dangerously incorrect views, a far too extensive list to outline in full, all of which Rogan accepted uncritically, his mouth quite often literally agape in awe. (There was also a casual aside near the end in which Kennedy, who believes his uncle, JFK, and his father were both assassinated by the CIA, suggested that he himself may be targeted by the organization. He told Rogan he takes “precautions” against the CIA, although it’s unclear what those might be.) They included innumerable talking points that have already been debunked: at one point, for instance, Kennedy falsely suggested that vaccines cause autism, which has been repeatedly and roundly disproven, with Rogan interjecting supportively.

[From Vice]

So, all of that happened last Thursday. Then, over the weekend, it got so much worse. A virologist and pediatric doctor named Dr. Peter Hotez tweeted the Vice article, above, with a message about how people actually believe RFK and Rogan’s misinformation and “nonsense.” That began a Twitter war between Dr. Hotez and Rogan in which Dr. Hotez was like “Joe, let’s talk about this like adults” and Rogan was screeching “DEBATE ME!” Elon Musk got involved as well. Then the lunatics began showing up to Dr. Hotez’s home and harassing him in person. This is Spotify’s brand now, I’m so glad they didn’t want a second season of Meghan’s feminist pod!

— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) June 17, 2023

Here he is siding with Joe Rogan and RFK Jr., who spewed discredited anti-vaccine lies on Rogan’s show, over a renowned scientist.

So much for Twitter being a beacon of truth. What a fucking embarrassment.

— Walker Bragman Supports the Orcas (@WalkerBragman) June 18, 2023

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Joe Rogan’s Spotify show, Rogan’s social media.

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