Mother of Flo Rida's Son Wants $40 Mil to Settle Lawsuit Over Child's Fall

Flo Rida‘s baby mama says she’s willing to settle the lawsuit over their son’s near-fatal fall from her New Jersey apartment building … but it’s going to require an 8-figure payout.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Alexis Adams says it will take $40 million for her to settle the suit she’s filed against the various parties she claims are responsible for her son’s fall from a Jersey City building.


Remember, Alexis and Flo’s 6-year-old son Zohar fell from a 5th-story window back in March and landed on the concrete pavement below … resulting in serious injuries.

flo rida alexis

As we reported … Zohar was rushed to a hospital and placed in the ICU … ultimately emerging in a full-body cast and then learning how to walk again. Doctors said it’s a miracle the boy even survived the 50-foot fall.

Alexis is suing a construction company and a window installation company, among others, blaming them for installing “incorrect sized guards” on the windows … which she believes allowed Zohar to fall. Flo Rida is not involved in the suit.

While Alexis says $40 million is what it will take for her to settle — $20 million from one set of defendants and $20 million from another — there’s no indication in the docs that any of the defendants are interested in paying that amount to resolve the case.

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