Kimora Lee Simmons & her daughter Aoki rip into ‘abusive’ Russell Simmons

As part of the #MeToo wave in late 2017, several women told their stories about Russell Simmons. I believed the women. Their stories were similar – a man with a lot of power and money, a man with creepy misogynist friends, a man who openly treated women like sh-t publicly – so yes, it seemed reasonable to believe that he was a serial rapist and serial sexual assailant. In 2018, Simmons apparently moved from New York to Bali, where it appears he’s still trying to escape civil lawsuits and criminal investigations. He does still pop up in the US sometimes, although I think he’s sold all of his real estate in NY.

More than a decade before Simmons was outed as a serial predator, Kimora Lee Simmons had already divorced him and she was the primary custodial parent for their two daughters, Ming Lee Simmons and Aoki Lee Simmons, both of whom are in their early 20s right now. She remarried and expanded her family. She supports herself, she supports her children and her second husband isn’t seen that much. While Aoki and Ming saw their dad a lot when they were little, everything seemed to go sideways when he was outed as a predator and he moved to Bali. As it turns out, Russell has been harassing and emotionally abusing his ex-wife and daughters for years now, and they’ve been trying to deal with it privately, but it’s all come spilling out publicly.

The day after Father’s Day, Kimora Lee Simmons and her daughter, Aoki, took to Instagram to shed light on Russell Simmons’ alleged abusive behavior. The back-and-forth appears to have begun after their oldest daughter, Ming, wished Kimora a “Happy Father’s Day” instead of Russell.

The Def Jam Records co-founder took to Instagram to share a message that alleged Kimora was at fault for making it hard to be a father to his daughters. “Stop telling fathers they should have fought harder to see their children and start asking mothers why he had to fight at all,” Russell’s post read.

Taking to Instagram Live Monday, Kimora broke down in tears explaining how Russell has allegedly been verbally attacking her and her daughters and lying about the status of their family’s relationship. Kimora claimed that Russell’s gaslighting has been overlooked by fans and friends of theirs alike due to his “powerhouse” media mogul status.

“Please don’t attack my children, they’ve been through so much. Don’t attack my family — which is supposed to be your family too,” Kimora said of Russell, choking up. “Don’t do that because you’re at rock bottom, I don’t know, you’re grasping at straws. This is a money grab? I don’t really know what this is,” she questioned. She alleged that Russell would send himself flowers and post photos on social media claiming they are from her. Kimora claims he has been blocked from her Instagram for years.

Their youngest daughter, Aoki, also took to Instagram Live to explain how despite defending her father in the past, “this man is awful to me. He has done awful things to me and I’m so tired of it,” she said in tears. She went on to say that she’s been scared to speak up in the past because her father is so beloved in the entertainment industry.

“So if I never get any jobs ever again then like fine, I’ll go be a lawyer because I shouldn’t have to lie or be bullied by a child,” she said of her father having an impact on her modeling career. “You cannot just abuse your kids behind closed doors and not take accountability. You don’t get to do this,” Aoki said. Aoki also took to Instagram to share several screenshots of text messages with her father where he calls Kimora a “piece of sh**” as well as a silenced video of him yelling at her via FaceTime.

Aoki wrote, “My father is not well, for years, he needs help and won’t accept that he refuses to acknowledge he is not himself. He has threatened and bullied my sister, my grandma, he has harassed my grandma in the middle of the night in poor health, send a man to my sisters apartment at 2am to scare her. He lashes out at ANYONE who does not say ‘oh Russell everything is fine.’ Well it’s not fine. If ‘I never get a fashion job again’ like he threatens, I’ll be a lawyer I guess and work in criminal Justice. Sure I love my job but if he takes it away from me I won’t die. You don’t threaten my sister and grandma and mother and say “who’s gonna believe you I’m Russell Simmons nobody thinks I’m crazy” well he is.”

[From ET]

Aoki’s videos are heartbreaking – she’s clearly torn up about what Russell has done to her, her sister and her mother. Aoki and Kimora seem to describe a violent shift in Russell’s personality in recent years, and they’ve had to ban him from contacting them, so he finds alternative ways of harassing them (by harassing people around them). It’s really sick. What an absolute piece of garbage.

— SHEA FROM THE BAY (@SheaFromTheBay) June 19, 2023

— theJasmineBRAND (@thejasminebrand) June 19, 2023

— theJasmineBRAND (@thejasminebrand) June 19, 2023

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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