Former Journey Drummer Deen Castronovo Confirms Departure From Dead Daisies

Former Journey drummer Deen Castronovo has announced that he has parted ways with the band Dead Daisies, two days after the band announced an official replacement for him.

“My decision to leave was not an easy one, as I have great respect for my former band members and a tremendous amount of love and appreciation for all the fans who supported us,” shared Castronovo.

Castronovo has already been replaced by Tommy Clufetos, who has previously toured with the band and is slated to join them on their tour in promotion of their most recent album, Holy Ground.

Castronovo said his primary reason for quitting was wanting to spend more time “with my family after touring extensively and schedule a minor back surgery to ensure that I am able [to] get back on the road playing music and doing what I love!”

Rest assured, he added, he will be “back and playing soon!”

(Photo: TeamDeeno)

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