Donald Trump will likely be indicted today, he’s ‘ready for his perp walk’

You know what’s exhausting? The media and the Democratic Party twisting themselves in knots about Donald Trump’s impending arrest and how the arrest will be some kind of “win” for Republicans. From where I sit, optimistically in Dark Brandon’s America, Trump’s re-election bid is falling flat. His attempts to agitate supporters and incite another January 6th have fallen flat. While I don’t doubt that there are still millions of dumbasses who would still vote for Diaper Don, let’s also be clear: he must be arrested, he must pay for his many crimes, he must be held accountable. Not everything has to be a political move, most of the time it’s just good to arrest a guy who does lots of crime. Anyway, Trump will probably be indicted today? But no one knows if they’ll put in cuffs today:

Donald Trump may be indicted on Wednesday in one of the ongoing criminal investigations involving him, outlets including NewsNation and The Guardian report. Citing sources, NewsNation reports that a Manhattan grand jury is expected to vote Wednesday whether to indict the former president over an alleged hush money payment he made to adult film star Stormy Daniels in 2016.

The former president previously posted on social media that he expected to be arrested on Tuesday.

The New York Times reports that senior officials from the district attorney’s office and the New York agency that runs the state courts “had preliminary discussions to plan for a possible indictment and arraignment” of Trump last week. The Times adds that officials from the New York Police Department — which handles security where an arraignment would take place — also met to prepare for potential security threats.

[From People]

Sure… the rumors of Trump’s “Tuesday arrest” came from Trump himself, not the DA’s office. Most people believed that the indictment would simply happen this week, and again, who knows when we’ll get an orange prep walk. Speaking of, Trump is ready, at least according to Maggie Haberman at the NYT:

Donald J. Trump claims he is ready for his perp walk. Behind closed doors at Mar-a-Lago, the former president has told friends and associates that he welcomes the idea of being paraded by the authorities before a throng of reporters and news cameras. He has even mused openly about whether he should smile for the assembled media, and he has pondered how the public would react and is said to have described the potential spectacle as a fun experience. No one is quite sure whether his remarks are bravado or genuine resignation about what lies ahead.

If he is truly looking forward to it, he might be disappointed. There is no indication, even if Mr. Trump is charged, that the authorities would have him take part in that storied New York City law-enforcement tradition known by detectives and crime reporters alike — walking the newly arrested past a cluster of journalists. If Mr. Trump is indicted and surrenders voluntarily, arrangements are likely to be made between the Secret Service and law enforcement to avoid a media circus.

Another person who has spoken with Mr. Trump, who was not authorized to speak publicly, said the former president was less concerned with the particulars of where he would be seen than with being assured of the opportunity to show the public he is not slinking away in shame.

As he waits for a likely criminal indictment — making him the first current or former American president to face criminal charges — Mr. Trump has often appeared significantly disconnected from the severity of his potential legal woes, according to people who have spent time with him in recent days. He has been spotted zipping around his Palm Beach resort in his golf cart and on one recent evening acted as D.J. at a party with his personally curated Spotify playlists, which often include music from the Rolling Stones to “The Phantom of the Opera.”

[From The NY Times]

I had to leave that last part in for some extra spice: “He has been spotted zipping around his Palm Beach resort in his golf cart and on one recent evening acted as D.J. at a party with his personally curated Spotify playlists, which often include music from the Rolling Stones to ‘The Phantom of the Opera.’” I wonder if he still plays Adele all the time – he used to be a big Adele fan. He’s also a fan of the Village People. Anyway, impound the golf cart and handcuff him.

Trump also made a video yesterday for his supporters. It looks like HE is the Phantom of Mar-a-Lago, recording missives from his poorly-lit bunker. This short video is 16 seconds of unhinged nutjob:

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 21, 2023

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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